Author: Mohini Modak


Magazine, STEM

Engineering representing the practical application of scientific principles to solve real-world problems. Within the STEM framework,...
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10 Inspiring Innovators in the Field of Computer Science

Computer Science, Science

Computer science and innovation have become integral parts of our daily lives. From the smartphones we use to the social media platforms we...
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Mastering Algorithms: How to Excel in Computer Science

Computer Science, Science

Algorithms are a fundamental concept in computer science and play a crucial role in solving problems efficiently. An algorithm is a...
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10 Essential Computer Science Skills You Need to Succeed

Computer Science

Computer science skills are becoming increasingly important in today’s digital world. From programming and data analysis to web...
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The Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Thrilling World of Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer science is a field that has become increasingly important in today’s world. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from...
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A Beginner’s Guide to Biochemistry: A Comprehensive Overview of the Fundamentals and Applications

Biochemistry, Chemistry, Science

Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. It is a field...
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Empowering the Future: The Importance of STEM Education in Building Tomorrow’s Innovators

STEM Education

STEM education, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that...
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Exploring the Wonders of Cosmic Energy Science: How It Can Transform Your Life


Cosmic energy science is a field of study that explores the various forms of energy that exist in the universe. It encompasses the study of...
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Navigating Success: Top Colleges in Merchant Navy

Engineering, Marine Engineering

Potential Careers in the Merchant Navy The Merchant Navy is far from a one-job-fits-all situation. …
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