Written by 2:14 pm Energy Storage, Issue 8 - August 2024

How it is Made: Part XI – Lead Acid Battery Formation Process

Learn the lead acid battery formation process with our step-by-step guide. Learn about components, …

Understanding the battery formation process is essential for anyone involved in manufacturing or using these batteries. Lead acid batteries play a crucial role in powering various applications. These batteries have been around for over a century, providing reliable energy storage solutions. The global market for lead acid batteries is expanding rapidly, projected to reach USD 75 billion by 2031. This process involves specific steps that activate the battery’s components, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Mastering this process can enhance the efficiency and reliability of lead acid battery in diverse sectors.

Understanding Lead Acid Batteries

Understanding Lead Acid Batteries

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Components of Lead Acid Batteries

Lead Plates

Lead plates form the core of lead acid batteries. These plates consist of lead oxide and lead. Manufacturers coat these plates with materials like lead sulfate to boost battery output. The geometry and materials of these electrodes influence the battery’s chemistry and voltage. Lead plates submerged in an electrolyte solution facilitate essential chemical reactions.

Electrolyte Solution

Step-by=Step Guide to Lead Acid Battery Formation

Image Source: unsplash

The electrolyte in lead acid batteries contains a mixture of sulfuric acid and water. This solution plays a crucial role in enabling chemical reactions between the lead plates. Typically, the composition includes 65% water and 35% sulfuric acid. The reaction between lead and sulfuric acid produces lead sulfate layers. These layers are vital for the battery’s function.

Types of Lead Acid Batteries

Flooded Lead Acid Batteries

Flooded lead acid batteries represent the most traditional type. They have cells where the plates are fully immersed in liquid electrolyte. Users must regularly maintain them by adding water. They provide reliable power but require careful handling to prevent spills.

Sealed Lead Acid Batteries

Sealed lead acid batteries offer a maintenance-free alternative. They use a valve-regulated design to prevent electrolyte leakage. The sealed construction makes them suitable for various applications. Users appreciate the convenience of not needing to add water. They deliver consistent output with minimal upkeep.

The Battery Formation Process

The Battery Formation Process

Image Source: unsplash

How the Battery is Formed

The plates enter an amorphous matter state once the curing and drying phases are complete. An appropriate forming process must transform the latter into active material.

The filling machine

A special filling machine dips the assembled batteries into a diluted sulfuric acid solution. After this, the batteries are connected to the rectifier. The rectifier pulls electrons from the positive plate. It then directs these electrons to the negative plate.

Chemical transformations during the battery forming process

There are two distinct chemical transformations during the forming process:

On the Positive Plate, PbSO4+2H2O transforms into PbO2+H2so4+2 e- and 2 H+.

The equation for the negative plate is PbSO4 + 2 e- + 2H+ = Pb+ H2SO4.

This system puts the battery on a specific support. There is no control over its temperature. This causes the active material to heat up a lot. There is a risk that the material could get damaged. Therefore, we need to use low electric currents (amperages). As a result, the charging cycle will take a long time. Lead-acid batteries undergo chemical reactions that form layers of lead sulfate. These layers are essential for the battery’s electrochemical reactions. The formation process conditions the electrodes and establishes the battery’s capacity and output characteristics.

Initial Preparation

Gathering Materials

You need specific materials to begin the battery formation. Gather lead plates, sulfuric acid, and distilled water. Ensure all materials meet quality standards to guarantee it’s optimal performance. Proper materials contribute to the efficiency and longevity of the battery.

Safety Precautions

Safety is crucial during the the process. Wear protective gear such as gloves and goggles. Ensure proper ventilation in the workspace to avoid inhaling harmful fumes. Follow all safety guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries.

Step-by-Step Battery Formation Process

Mixing the Electrolyte

Mix the electrolyte with precision. Combine sulfuric acid and distilled water in the correct proportions. The typical mixture includes 65% water and 35% sulfuric acid. This solution facilitates essential chemical reactions within the battery.

Filling the Battery Cells

Fill the battery cells with the prepared electrolyte. Ensure each cell receives an equal amount of the solution. Proper filling ensures uniform chemical reactions across all cells. This step is vital for consistent performance.

Charging the Battery

Charge the battery using a controlled current. The initial charge activates the battery’s active materials. This step is crucial for establishing the battery’s capacity and efficiency. Monitor the charging process to prevent overcharging.

Monitoring and Testing

Monitor the battery throughout the formation process. Conduct tests to assess the battery’s performance. Check for any irregularities in voltage or capacity. Address any issues promptly to ensure optimal battery function.

Methods for Battery Formation

There are currently three main battery-forming systems: in the air, in the tank, and by recirculation.

Formation in the Air

Formation in the air involves exposing battery plates to air during the initial stages. This method allows oxygen to interact with the lead plates. Oxygen exposure facilitates the formation of lead sulfate layers. These layers are essential for the battery’s electrochemical reactions. The process enhances the battery’s capacity and performance characteristics. Manufacturers often use this method for its simplicity and effectiveness.

To fill the battery with electrolyte, first determine the correct acid density. Electrolyte is a chemical solution based on sulfuric acid (H2SO4). This is important so the battery works well. Air formation in the battery should be minimized. This requires reducing the counter-electromotive force as much as possible. Counter-electromotive force is the force that opposes the battery’s current. Therefore, we will divide the cycle into two phases. 

  1. Battery charge
  2. Acid change (boosting)

We will start with a very low-density electrolyte (1.100/1.110 kg/l) for the charge phase. Then, we will switch to a higher-density electrolyte (1.270/1.300 kg/l). This helps the battery work correctly. After the change, we will do the boosting cycle. This step makes sure the new electrolyte mixes well with the active material already in the battery. The active material stores and releases energy in the battery.

Formation in the Tank

Formation in the tank occurs when battery plates immerse in an electrolyte within a tank. Managing higher amounts of heat can prevent the electrolyte’s density from changing. The tank provides a controlled environment for chemical reactions. Lead plates undergo oxidation and reduction processes. These processes form lead sulfate crystals crucial for battery operation. Consistent conditions improve battery efficiency and longevity.

The battery is filled with a solution. By the end of this process, the solution reaches an initial density. This density is suitable for the use of the accumulator. The suitable density range is 1.270 to 1.300 kilograms per liter. The tank method ensures uniformity in the formation process.

Recirculating Formation

Recirculating formation uses a system that circulates the electrolyte. The circulation maintains a consistent concentration of sulfuric acid. Uniform electrolyte distribution promotes even chemical reactions. This method prevents the buildup of lead sulfate in specific areas. Recirculating formation enhances the battery’s overall performance. The process requires specialized equipment but offers significant benefits.

This system uses the movement of the electrolyte fluid inside each battery cell. This helps to control the temperature around the main working part of the battery more accurately. At the same time, it checks the thickness of the electrolyte. This fluid helps carry electric current. By doing these checks, the system can adjust to changes during different stages of the battery’s cycle.

We control the temperature using a variation in density and a control system. We also have an extra mechanism for real-time temperature control of the circulating solution. This setup creates the best conditions for the active material-forming phase. As a result, the cycle time is shorter.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Identifying Common Issues


Overcharging occurs when a battery receives more current than it can handle. This situation leads to excessive heat generation. The heat damages the battery’s internal components. Overcharging reduces the battery’s lifespan. Monitoring the charging process prevents overcharging. Using a charger with automatic shut-off features helps maintain battery health.


Sulfation happens when lead sulfate crystals form on the battery plates. These crystals hinder the battery’s ability to hold a charge. Sulfation results from prolonged disuse or improper charging. Regular use and proper charging techniques prevent sulfation. Addressing sulfation early restores battery performance.

Solutions and Best Practices

Proper Charging Techniques

Proper charging techniques enhance battery life. Use a charger that matches the battery’s specifications. Avoid using chargers with higher voltage outputs. Charge the battery in a well-ventilated area. Ensure the charger has an automatic shut-off feature. This feature prevents overcharging and overheating.

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance ensures optimal battery output. Inspect the battery for any signs of damage or corrosion. Clean the terminals with a mixture of baking soda and water. Ensure the battery remains fully charged during periods of disuse. Store the battery in a cool, dry place. Following these tips extends the battery’s lifespan and efficiency.

The lead acid battery formation process involves specific steps that activate the battery’s components. Proper formation ensures optimal performance and longevity. Lead plates and electrolyte solutions undergo chemical reactions to form essential layers. These layers enhance the battery’s capacity and efficiency. Proper formation prevents issues like sulfation and overcharging. Following this guide helps you achieve successful battery formation. Regular maintenance and correct charging techniques extend battery life. Ensure a safe environment during the process to protect yourself and the battery.

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