Lead Battery: The Importance of Plates and Supporting Grids

Written by 12:53 pm ENTECH ISSN: 2584-2749 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 2 - February 2024

HOW IT IS MADE : The Lead Battery Part V

The plates can perform their function correctly only if the supporting grids are wrapped with the r…
lead battery

In lead battery manufacturing, the grids must be coated with the right amount of active material for the plates to function properly. Consequently, the active material enables the battery to store and release energy efficiently. To ensure the proper preparation of the active material mixture, you need the following elements:

  • lead oxide
  • Manufacturers add materials during production of Lead Battery. There are different types of additives
  • water
  • sulphuric acid

To get the final result, feed these materials in the order mentioned. This follows the heat cycle from sulphating the materials. This process creates a mix with the correct composition and density. First, the mix surrounds the lead battery grids before it turns solid. As a result, this process forms strong compounds with low electrical resistance. These compounds then become the plate components, which consist of the grid and active material. Next, they soak up the electrolyte, a liquid mixture of water and sulphuric acid. Finally, this occurs before the charging phase begins.

lead battery - PASTE PREPARATION

Next, they mix the ingredients to create the paste. Following this, they absorb the electrolyte, which is a liquid containing sulphuric acid.

Blade type mixer: groups and operation

The machine in lead battery consists of:

  • mixing system;
  • mixing tank;
  • cooling system.

Mixing Tank

This container holds the mixture components and actively mixes them during the exothermic reaction. This reaction occurs primarily due to lead oxide sulphation. Moreover, to ensure the temperature remains under control, cooling water continuously flows along the bottom and sides of the tank.

Mixing system in Lead Battery

The tank’s central axis spins and operates this system. It has three arms (blades) attached to its outer part. These arms are essential for mixing the mentioned components. One arm cleans the mixer’s side wall. The other two arms stir the material. They move it in two directions: one arm moves it along the radial axis and the other along the tangential axis.

Cooling system in Lead Battery

This equipment sits on top of the tank cover. It controls how much air moves through by adjusting the amount of liquid additive. This means it determines how much of the liquid mixes with the air. It adjusts the ventilation based on the temperature of the material. The system determines when to add distilled water and also recognizes when to introduce sulphuric acid. Since sulphuric acid is a strong chemical, it plays a crucial role in facilitating certain reactions. On the other hand, distilled water is impurity-free and safe to use. Furthermore, the system carefully measures the need for both substances by relying on specific time cycles. As a result, it ensures optimal performance and efficiency in Lead Battery.

Cooling system in Lead Battery
Fig 2. Cooling system

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HOW IT IS MADE : The Lead Acid Battery Part – 4
All production processes require the right amount of lead oxide to ensure that the active material can be used in the battery. Once the oxide production has been completed, the chemical compound that will be applied to the grids will be formed. Special attention must be paid in this process to dosing the components to be used and mixing them.

This part of the battery plays an important role because it holds up the active material and allows the electrons created during the electrochemical process to move. In a Lead Acid Battery, manufacturers use different kinds of grids depending on the intended use of the battery and the amount of work required. These


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