Tag: mental health

Is DJ Noise Pollution Harming Your Health?

Science News - September 2024 • One Comment

Let’s take a closer look at DJ noise pollution and how it might be affecting you.
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Shared Dreams: The Future of REM Sleep Synchronization

Science News - August 2024

Shared dreaming means that multiple people can experience the same dream. As we explore the mid-21st century, our scientific knowledge of...
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The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Teens

Science News - June 2024

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for teens. However, recent concerns were raised by...
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Anosognosia: A Lack of Self-Awareness in Mental Health

Science News - May 2024

Anosognosia is a condition that affects individuals with mental health conditions, structural brain lesions, and dementia. It is...
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Empowering Teens through Digital Detox by Mohini Modak

Issue 4 - April 2024

Nowadays, we live in a world full of screens and digital gadgets. The idea of a “digital detox” for teens is important to...
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