Written by 3:39 pm April 2024, News • One Comment

The Alarming Rise of Air Pollution and Its Dire Effects on Public Health in US

Air Pollution

The Impact of Air Pollution on Public Health: A Scientific Perspective

According to a recent report from the American Lung Association, nearly 40% of people in the U.S. are living in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution. This number has increased by 12 million since the last survey, highlighting the growing concern over air quality in our country.

The report also found that people in the United States experienced more “very unhealthy” or “hazardous” air quality days than any time in the survey’s history. This is a worrying trend that has significant implications for public health.

The Role of Climate Change

Katherine Pruitt, national senior director for clean air policy at the American Lung Association, believes that climate change is a major factor contributing to this increase in air pollution. She explains that the changes happening in our climate, such as heat waves and droughts, have started to undo decades of progress made through regulations like the Clean Air Act.

Wildfires are a prime example of how climate change is impacting air quality. As temperatures rise due to greenhouse gas emissions, wildfires become more frequent and intense. In fact, peer-reviewed research published last year suggests that wildfire smoke has undone about 25% of the Clean Air Act’s progress.

The Health Impacts

Dr. Lisa Patel, a clinical associate professor and pediatrician at Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, highlights some of the health impacts associated with poor air quality. Small particles from pollution can penetrate into people’s lungs and bloodstream, leading to various health issues such as asthma, lung cancer, and preterm birth.

In her practice, Dr. Patel has noticed an increase in preterm births during periods of heavy wildfire events. She also counsels parents about how heat and smoke can be a risk factor during pregnancy. This is just one example of how air pollution is directly impacting public health.

The Need for Action

The “State of the Air” report serves as a wake-up call for policymakers and individuals alike. It is clear that we need to take action to address air pollution and its effects on public health. This includes reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and investing in renewable energy sources.

As Dr. Patel states, “We have the technology, we have the federal investment to get on renewables. What we need now is the political will.” It is up to all of us to advocate for change and work towards a cleaner, healthier future for ourselves and future generations.

It is evident that air pollution has significant impacts on public health, and it is crucial that we take action to address this issue. We must work together to reduce our carbon footprint and prioritize clean air for the well-being of our communities. To learn more about the American Lung Association’s report, click here.

Let’s make a positive impact on our environment and our health by taking action against air pollution today.

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