Written by 12:10 pm ENTECH ISSN: 2584-2749 (Online) Volume 2, Issue 4 - April 2024


Sunlight helps make vitamin D and keeps our body clock running right. UV Radiation from the sun can…
UV Radiation


Sunlight helps make vitamin D and keeps our body clock running right. UV Radiation from the sun can damage our skin. This increases the risk of skin cancer. It’s important to watch how much UV light we get. This article talks about a new wearable device that tracks UV exposure. It lets users know when UV levels are too high. UV levels refer to the amount of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which can be harmful to the skin. It tells them when to use sunscreen or find shade. The device uses sensors, wearable tech, and processes data in real time. It aims to protect our health and teach us about UV risks.

Wearable Technology and Sensor Intergration in Healthcare

Wearable technology in healthcare includes devices worn on the body. They can measure and monitor bodily functions. A useful application of this technology is a UV exposure tracker. It uses UV sensors, microcontrollers, and wireless communication. This device alerts users about their sun exposure as it happens. The project involves electronics, sensor technology, and data communication. Its purpose is to help manage and prevent skin damage from UV radiation.

Core Technologies and Components

  • UV Sensors (UV Index Sensor – GUVA-S12SD): These sensors detect the intensity of UV radiation. They are essential for the UV tracker. They measure the current UV index to which the wearer is exposed.
  • The microcontroller, like an Arduino Uno or ESP8266, is the brain of the wearable device. It collects data from the UV sensor. It processes this data. Its job is to figure out if the UV exposure level is safe or not.
  • ·The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a wireless communication module. It lets the device send data to a smartphone or the cloud. This allows for real-time alerts and tracking.
  • ·Battery (Lithium Polymer Battery): Powers the wearable device, ensuring it remains operational without constant charging.

Where to Buy

You can purchase components online. These include the UV sensor (GUVA-S12SD), Arduino Uno, ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module, and other electronics. Stores like Adafruit, SparkFun, or Amazon sell them. You can also find them at local electronics shops. You can look for them at online stores in your country, too.




// WiFi credentials and Blynk token
char ssid[] = “Your_WiFi_SSID”;
char pass[] = “Your_WiFi_Password”;
char auth[] = “Your_Blynk_Token”;
// Pin where the UV sensor is connected
int uvSensorPin = A0; // Analog input pin that
the sensor is attached to
float uvLevel;
int uvIntensity;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial
communication at 9600 baud
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); // Initialize
pinMode(uvSensorPin, INPUT); // Set the UV
sensor pin as an input
void loop() {
uvLevel = analogRead(uvSensorPin); // read
the input on analog pin
uvIntensity = map(uvLevel, 0, 1023, 0, 11); //
Convert the analog reading (which goes from
0 – 1023) to a UV index (0 – 11+)
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, uvIntensity); // Send UV
index to Blynk
Serial.print(“UV Level: “);
Serial.print(“UV Intensity (Index): “);
delay(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds between


Setup Function

Starts serial communication and connects to Blynk. It sets the UV sensor pin to read input.

Loop Function

The Loop Function does several tasks. First, it reads the UV sensor. Then, it converts the sensor’s reading to match the UV index scale. After that, it sends this data to the Blynk app. Lastly, it prints the UV index on the serial monitor. This setup lays the groundwork for using sensor technology in wearable devices. It includes IoT features to improve user interaction and safety. These projects increase understanding of STEM fields. They also show the potential uses of these technologies in the real world.

Educational Opportunities

To work in wearable technology, you need a strong background in STEM subjects. This is especially true for devices that monitor health. You can study several courses to get into this field.

Undergraduate Programs

Degrees in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Science often cover the necessary skills for developing wearable technology.

Vocational Training

Certificates in embedded systems, mobile app development, or IoT (Internet of Things) offer practical experience. They teach specific technical skills.

Continuing Education

Online courses on sensor technology, data analytics, and wireless communication are available on platforms like Coursera or edX. These programs usually include learning through projects, internships, and working with industries. They give students hands-on experience and a look into realworld uses. Students need to be skilled in programming languages such as C and Python. They also need to know circuit design and how to analyze data. Moreover, having certifications in certain technologies or tools for developing wearable devices is important.

Career Path

Job opportunities in wearable technology are growing. This is because more people want personalized healthcare. There are entry-level jobs available. These jobs can be in hardware design, software development, or data analysis. People in these roles work on making and enhancing wearable devices that monitor health.

You can advance to roles like project manager or lead engineer. In these positions, you manage development projects or create new wearable technologies. Big tech companies, healthcare equipment makers, and research centers usually hire for these roles.

There are many research opportunities. These include projects focused on making sensors more accurate. Other projects aim to enhance data privacy. There are also projects working on integrating AI. This AI integration is for predictive analytics in healthcare.


Students who love wearable technology and healthcare should work on DIY projects, such as the UV Exposure Tracker. Joining workshops, maker fairs, or hackathons helps get hands-on experience and meet people. It’s also helpful to read the latest research and keep up with industry trends. The field often changes. It’s key to keep learning. Adapting to new technologies is essential for a successful career in wearable tech and healthcare monitoring.

About the author:

Kedareshwar Goranale (BE E&TC) is working with Cognota Healthcare Private Limited as a senior embedded developer.

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