Teenager students reading Entech-The STEM education digital magazine

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 A Journey Through Time, DEC-2023

Title Pages, INDEX and Editor’s Note. DEC-2023; 1(3):1-5

Commentary | A Journey Through Time. DEC-2023; 1(3):7-10
Kautilya Katariya
Original Article | Effect of Altered Gravity on Biological Systems. DEC-2023; 1(3):11-13

Pandit Vidyasagar and Jyotsana Dixit
Commentary | The Age of Transformations. DEC-2023; 1(3):14-17

Mohini Modak
Original Article | Revolutionizing Patient Care: The Impact of IoT Devices in Medical Industries. DEC-2023; 1(3):18-21

Kedareshwar Goranale
Commentary | Career Prospects for Chemistry Majors. DEC-2023; 1(3):22-24

Sunita Singh
Original Article | College Life Canvas. DEC-2023; 1(3):25-29

Mohit Khamele

Original Article | The Puzzle Time Challenge: Let’s Solve It! DEC-2023; 1(3):31-33
Jaya Ghosh
Original Article | How it is Made: The Lead Acid Battery (Part 3) – Manufacturing Process. DEC-2023; 1(3):34-35



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