Written by 10:18 pm March 2024, News

Greener Dyeing for Denim: Sustainable Solution for Fashion Industry

Greener Way to Dye Denim Could Cut the Environmental Impact of Jeans

Critics have long criticized the fashion industry for its environmental impact, with denim production being a major contributor. From harmful chemicals used in the dyeing process to toxic pollution in waste water, the production of blue jeans has been far from sustainable.

But a team of researchers at the Technical University of Denmark may have found a solution. Their new technique for dyeing denim using a natural compound called indican could potentially reduce the environmental impact of jeans manufacturing by up to 92 per cent.

Greener Way to Dye Denim Could Cut the Environmental Impact of Jeans

Chemistry Breakthrough Offers Sustainable Solution for the Fashion Industry

Indican is a natural precursor to indigo, the compound traditionally used to dye denim blue. However, unlike indigo, indican is soluble in water and does not require harmful chemicals like sodium dithionite for dyeing.

This breakthrough could have major implications for the fashion industry, as it offers a greener and more sustainable alternative to traditional denim dyeing methods. Not only does it eliminate toxic fumes that can harm textile workers, but it also reduces pollution in waste water.

The good thing about indican is that it is soluble, so you can just basically dip your textile in it… That’s why it became such an appealing solution.

To convert indican into indigo after dyeing, the researchers found two methods that are faster and more repeatable than simply leaving the material in sunlight. One method uses enzymes from plants, while the other uses electrical lights. Studies have shown that both methods significantly reduce the environmental impact of dyeing compared to using traditional indigo.

Despite the remaining obstacles, such as the need to establish a supply chain for the 80,000 tonnes of indican required for global denim production, this breakthrough promises a more sustainable fashion industry.

The use of indican in denim dyeing is not only environmentally friendly, but it also adds an interesting twist to the process. As you wear a pair of indican-soaked jeans out in the sunlight, they will gradually turn blue over time. Environmentally conscious consumers could perceive this as a fun and unique selling point.


In conclusion, the new technique for dyeing denim using indican offers a greener and more sustainable solution for the fashion industry. With further research and development, this breakthrough could potentially revolutionize denim production and pave the way towards a more environmentally friendly future.

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