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A laptop and a notebook, apt for career planning and studying for IIT JEE Mains, placed on a stylish wooden table.
  • Simplified Cosmology for Young Learners
    The universe is defined as everything that exists, including all matter, energy, space, and time. It encompasses all galaxies, stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. The universe is vast beyond comprehension, stretching billions of light-years in all directions. In terms of size and scale, the universe is mind-bogglingly immense. It is estimated to be at least 93 billion light-years in diameter, although recent research suggests it may be even larger. To put this into perspective, …
  • The Mind-Body Connection: How Our Brains Interpret Signals from Within
    Our bodies are constantly sending signals to our brains, but did you know that how our brains interpret these signals can have a profound impact on our mental health? This insight has led to new ways of approaching conditions like depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. The Vagus Nerve and Mental Health One of the key players in the mind-body connection is the vagus nerve. This nerve runs from the brainstem down to the abdomen, connecting …
  • Computer Science
    Author Mohini Modak View all posts
  • 10 Inspiring Innovators in the Field of Computer Science
    Computer science and innovation have become integral parts of our daily lives. From the smartphones we use to the social media platforms we engage with, computer science has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. Behind these advancements are the brilliant minds of innovators who have shaped the field of computer science and paved the way for future generations. In this article, we will explore the lives and contributions of 10 inspiring innovators in …
  • Mastering Algorithms: How to Excel in Computer Science
    Algorithms are a fundamental concept in computer science and play a crucial role in solving problems efficiently. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or a set of rules for solving a specific problem or completing a specific task. They are the basic elements of computer programs. They serve various purposes. These include sorting, searching, and moving through graphs. In this article, we will explore different types of algorithms and their applications. We will discuss algorithm …


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