Tires Can Now Last Longer and Work Better - Explore Branches of Science and Engineering

Written by 4:02 pm Technology News - July 2024

Tires Can Now Last Longer and Work Better

tires last longer and work better

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

To make tires last longer and work better, Sumitomo Rubber Industries has invented a new method. This method uses synchrotron radiation. Synchrotron radiation is a type of light produced by electrons moving in a circle at high speeds. It can measure how atoms, molecules, and small structures (nanostructures) move over time. This includes very short times like 1 nanosecond, which is one billionth of a second. Researchers from Tohoku University, RIKEN, and the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute helped create this method.

Traditional measuring methods could only track atomic and molecular movements in rubber for 10 to 1000 nanoseconds. But to make tires last longer and work better, scientists needed to understand what happens in even shorter times. This pushed the research team to create a new technique using synchrotron radiation. Electrons move in a circular path at very high speeds. This movement produces a type of light called synchrotron radiation. This new method could examine movements in the 0.1 to 100-nanosecond range.

Two-Dimensional X-Ray Camera – CITIUS

The new method was created using the powerful SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility. This facility uses high-energy x-rays to study materials. It combines the newest two-dimensional x-ray camera called CITIUS. This camera records how long and where atoms and molecules move. It does this at the same time. This groundbreaking approach has enabled the research team to measure the motion of molecular chains in rubber. They measured over a wide time domain, from 0.1 to 100 nanoseconds. Their findings were published in the prestigious Physical Review Letters journal.

This study was part of the CREST program by the Japan Science and Technology Agency. It represents a major step in understanding how materials behave and how we can use them. Using this advanced technique, Sumitomo Rubber Industries wants to improve tires. Better tires can help create a more sustainable society.

This study is a testament to the power of collaboration and the relentless pursuit of scientific advancement. By unlocking the secrets of atomic and molecular motion, we pave the way for transformative innovations that can positively impact our world.

Makina Saito, Associate Professor, Tohoku University

The development of this synchrotron radiation technique is a big step forward in material science and engineering. Sumitomo Rubber Industries uses this new technology. Because of this, we can expect big improvements in tire performance. This progress will help us work towards a more sustainable future.

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